Our Bounty program offers our members to earn money for free just by doing simple tasks. In the meanwhile, it helps us to better serve our community and investors. Manage facebook group, telegram group, post about us on forums and share your experience with potential new investors and your affiliates.
Facebook Bounty Bonus $0.1 - $50
- Share Content Promotion To Group / Fanspage/Chat (Bonus $0.1 - $5)
- Make Group About (Bonus $1 - $10)
- Make Fanspage About (Bonus $1 - $10)
- TAG Friend with content promotion (Bonus $0.1 - $5)
- Make Chatroom min 20 Person (Bonus $0.1 - $50)
Content Promotion/Description must be include ( Your refferal link/Payment Proof Deposit and Withdraw/Good Status/Paying Status/Positif Vote )
Youtube Bounty Bonus $0.1 - $500
- Make video about Duration min 3 minute ( $1 - $500)
- Comment Promotion in related investment video ($0.1 - $5)
Video/Description/Content Promotion must be include ( Your refferal link/Payment Proof Deposit and Withdraw/Good Status/Paying Status/Positif Vote )
TikTok Bounty Bonus $0.1 - $500
- Make video about Duration 30 second ( $1 - $500)
- Comment Promotion in related investment video ($0.1 - $5)
Video/Description/Content Promotion must be include ( Your refferal link/Payment Proof Deposit and Withdraw/Good Status/Paying Status/Positif Vote )
Telegram Bounty Bonus $0.1 - $500
- - Make Chanel Telegram Min 20 Person ( $1 - $500)
- Chat Promotion in related investment chanel ( $0.1 - $5)
Description/Content Promotion must be include ( Your refferal link/Payment Proof Deposit and Withdraw/Good Status/Paying Status/Positif Vote )
Discord Bounty Bonus $0.1 - $500
- - Make Chanel Discord Min 20 Person ( $1 - $500)
- Chat Promotion in related investment chanel ( $0.1 - $5)
Description/Content Promotion must be include ( Your refferal link/Payment Proof Deposit and Withdraw/Good Status/Paying Status/Positif Vote )
Whatsapp Bounty Bonus $0.1 - $500
- Make Whatsapp Groups Min 20 Person ( $1 - $500)
- Chat Promotion in related investment Groups ( $0.1 - $5)
Description/Content Promotion must be include ( Your refferal link/Payment Proof Deposit and Withdraw/Good Status/Paying Status/Positif Vote )
Forum / Thread / Theme Bonus $0.1 - $250
- - Make New Forum / Thread / Theme in Related Investment ( Bonus $1 - $250)
- Pump / Update / Thread / Theme in Related Investment ( Bonus $0.1 - $5)
- Signature Footer/Body Include Content Promotion ( Bonus $1 - $100)
Description/Content Promotion must be include ( Your refferal link/Payment Proof Deposit and Withdraw/Good Status/Paying Status/Positif Vote )
Website Bounty Bonus $1 - $500
- Review with content promotion About (Bonus $1 - $500)
- Put All Banner in your website (Bonus $1 - $500)
Content Promotion/Description must be include ( Your refferal link/Payment Proof Deposit and Withdraw/Good Status/Paying Status/Positif Vote )
Blog Bounty Bonus $1 - $250
- Review with content promotion About (Bonus $1 - $250)
- Put All Banner in your blog (Bonus $1 - $250)
Content Promotion/Description must be include ( Your refferal link/Payment Proof Deposit and Withdraw/Good Status/Paying Status/Positif Vote )
Twitter/Tumblr/Reddit/Instagram ($0.1 - $50)
- Make Content Promotion and Share in your post ($0.1 - $50)
Content Promotion/Description must be include ( Your refferal link/Payment Proof Deposit and Withdraw/Good Status/Paying Status/Positif Vote )
Post and sent Your Refferal link To All World Website/Forums/Social media/Social chat and More
- Bonus $0.1 - $5 Every Posting Your Promotion Content
Content Promotion/Description must be include ( Your refferal link/Payment Proof Deposit and Withdraw/Good Status/Paying Status/Positif Vote )
How To Claim Your Bonus?
1.You must be registered as a member
2.Sent Mail to
3.Subject : Username - Bounty Claim
4.Description : Your Screenshoot or Your Link Promotion Bounty
5.We use Real person to see and verify your email - so dont cheat our bounty / cheat refferal system bonus ( We will Frozen your account ) will take 72 hours to review and add bonus.